"In Front of Arturo's Store", 8" x 10" oil on linen, 2008
$720. Framed, Available at Galeria Gardner
These women set up in front of my friend Arturo's store, in Atotonilco, to sell framed pictures of saints, prayer books, crosses and other religious stuff. Pilgrims that come from different parts of Mexico, to spend a week doing pentinence at the church, are their main customers.
The overcast day made it so there were no strong light and shadow patterns to work with.

"In Front of Arturo's Store" Detail 1
I don't like posting images that are so big, when clicked on, that you have to scroll to see them . I would rather post "detail" images. They are fun, because they are like little paintings in themselves. It also allows for a close up view of the brushwork. It's just colors and shapes in the right place.
Any opinions on this? Which do you prefer? Large images to scroll over or details like this?

"In Front of Arturo's Store" Detail 2
I tried to keep this painting simple. I wanted the gesture of the people to tell the story.

"In Front of Arturo's Store" Detail 3
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