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Your cloth diapering questions answered by real moms: What is your favorite brand or type of cloth diaper and why?

I'm back with more cloth diaper survey results! Today's question really made me realize how much better cloth diapers are now than they were 20 years ago. There are so many great options out there! I can't wait for you to check out some of these moms' favorites.
Real answers from real moms. Cloth diaper survey results for the question, "What is your favorite type or brand of cloth diaper?"
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Today's question:

What is your favorite brand or type of cloth diapers? 

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Elise from www.whimsipost.blogspot.com
We use BumGenius 4.0 snaps and we've really liked them!
BumGenius all in one diaper
Bumgenius pocket diaper

Carolina from www.abutterfulmind.com  
I love the GroVia shell with snaps plus GMD [Green Mountain Diapers] prefold combo. GroVia proved to be a great fit for my long and lean toddler and the prefolds were the only things that held the crazy volume of pee we had going during the older years.
GroVia diaper cover
Green Mountain Diaper prefolds

BumGenius 4.0 pocket style. Simple color selection, easy to use, can increase absorbency, affordable, easiest to maintain.
BumGenius pocket diaper  
BumGenius pocket diaper

Becca from www.nursegonenatural.com
Probably Best Bottom diapers. I love the way they work.
Best Bottom diaper cover
Best Bottom inserts

BumGenius. I think that is the only brand I used and they worked fine so I stayed with them, plus had a bunch given to me! Super easy to use.
Bumgenius pocket diaper
BumGenius all in one diaper 

Prefolds and Flip brand covers are quickly becoming my favorite system. BumGenius pocket diapers are a staple in our stash, but unfortunately they have not held up well. The PUL is completely breaking down and my 2nd isn't done needing them yet.

GroVia. They are very trim, absorbent, and easy to use. I also like AppleCheeks inserts a lot because they're super soft, absorbent, and not very expensive. I also just got some of the Imagine brand, and I am loving them, especially since they are so cheap.

Imagine inserts

Bethany from www.thelaundryblog.wordpress.com 
I used to say BumGenius/Cotton Babies but I've had some disappointments with recent products. I like that Thirsties products are made in the USA and their sized diaper cover is my favorite one ever. For daily use with newborns, preolds and covers are my favorite. One-size pockets are most convenient as the baby gets older.
Thirsties pocket diaper
Thirsties diaper cover

Jessica from www.adventuresofacavemom.com 
I really like the BumGenius all in one diapers. I like that there are no pieces to mess around with, and I have found them to fit our children better, which results in far less leaking.
BumGenius all in one diaper
BumGenius all in one diaper

BumGenius - we used the all in ones and adjustable sizes.
BumGenius all in one diaper
BumGenius all in one diaper

Best Bottom (hybrid system)- snap in inserts, one size diaper, cost effective, easy to use, double gussets. Also made in the USA which is important to us.

Smart Bottoms (AIO/ hybrid system)- these are our favorite!!! A bit pricey, but well worth the money. These are made of organic cotton and fit our chunky baby perfectly without leaving red marks on his thighs. The quality cannot be beat and they're made in MI!

GroVia- we use the ONEs for nighttime without any leaks!
Best Bottom hybrid diaper cover
Best Bottom snap-in inserts
Smart Bottoms all in one diaper
GroVia ONE all in one diaper


Best Bottom diaper covers with inserts. I also liked my Flips, only the elastic wears pretty quickly.
Best Bottom diaper cover
Best Bottom inserts

Julie from www.julievarner.com 
I loved my Imagine brand prefolds with SweetPea brand covers.
Sweet Pea diaper cover
Imagine prefolds

I like Fuzzibunz Elite because they give me a really customizable fit and BumGenius because of the ease of use (although I couldn't use my BG for a while because they were too big for my skinny son!)
Fuzzibunz Elite pocket diaper
BumGenius pocket diaper

We use the standard prefolds. Favorite cover: AppleCheeks.
AppleCheeks diaper cover

I use a little bit of everything. At home I use either prefolds trifolded in Flip covers or all-in-twos (Best Bottoms); I like them about equally. Out and about, I love inexpensive pocket diapers. For church, I have some all-in-ones to keep it as simple as possible for the nursery workers. I use a lot of Diaper Safari covers and pockets because they are inexpensive, Imagine prefolds and all-in-ones for the same reasons, plus the Best Bottoms I mentioned before, and a smattering of other random brands. 
For newborns, it's a totally different ballgame! I used prefolds and covers for my first, and it was rough. I made a stash of fitteds for my second, and it was amazing!
Flip diaper cover

Imagine prefolds

Best Bottom diaper cover
Best Bottom inserts
Imagine all in one diaper

I just got organic prefolds and simple Thirsties covers.
Thirsties diaper cover


Raye from www.maisonraye.blogspot.com 
I LOVE love love FuzziBunz pocket diapers. They were easy for everyone to use (including daddy, grandma, and the babysitter) and were most like a disposable diaper in terms of putting on/taking off. I liked that I didn't have to touch the yucky part much when pulling out the insert, just grab the end, pull and dump into the wet bag. I felt that it was even less mess than disposables. The FuzziBunz diapers were easy to adjust to his size and quite absorbent. He rarely had blowouts or leaks.
FuzziBunz pocket diaper
FuzziBunz pocket diaper

We use prefolds with fleece liners and Flip diaper covers. I didn't experiment with different options. I just read one person's opinion of how they worked, it was the cheapest option, and we made it work for us! I love that I don't have to stuff inserts when the diapers come out of the laundry, and I didn't have to purchase so many covers because they don't have to be changed with every wear. Also, I can dry all the prefolds in the clothes dryer, and only have to line dry the covers and liners. 
Flip diaper cover
Fleece liners

Flats with snap covers. They're the least bulky, cheapest, and easiest to customize the size. We love our Thirsties duo snap wraps! I don't spend any more time preparing the flats than I did prefolds. And there's something so romantic about line-drying flat diapers! I feel so womanly & motherly!
Thirsties diaper cover
Flat diapers

And my answer?
I only use two types of diapers: BumGenius all in ones, and BumGenius pocket diapers. I use the inserts that came with the pocket diapers, except at night, when I add in a bamboo insert as well. It works like a charm. 
BumGenius all in one
BumGenius pocket diaper

I chose the easiest type of diapers I could find because I knew that I would be sending them to daycare with my baby. After reading all of the answers from the fabulous ladies I surveyed, though, I'm beginning to wish that I had been a little braver and tried some other types of diapers at home. Maybe I'll just have to experiment a little more with my next baby. ;)

Real answers from real moms: Cloth diaper survey results: "What is your favorite type or brand of cloth diaper? Why?"

    Well, that's it! Hopefully you've found this information helpful.

    Still have questions? Subscribe to my email list and stay tuned for the next post in this series: What are your favorite cloth diapering accessories? In the meantime, feel free to email me. I'd love to answer any questions I can for ya. ;) 

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