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Reader News for February 25

I'm headed out to Madrid today but before I go I wanted to share some reader news. Roland Yeomans of Writing in the Crosshairs is out of cancer surgery and back to blogging. You can't keep a good writer down!

Tony Laplume has just come out with a vampire novel Pale Moonlight, available in electronic and print editions. Congratulations, Tony! A blurb is below:

Plato Finnegan is a priest and brother. His sister Fiona is trying to escape from a bad relationship with a vampire.

Rather than the springboard for another vampire romance, however, these are the ingredients for an expansive literary epic that explores the large and intimate questions of our time.

Also,I'm over at the Tiki Hut talking about my travels to Iraq and Somaliland, so hop on over and check it out!

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