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Diamonds: Cleaning and Care Tips

Your diamond jewelry can last a lifetime and beyond - with a little TLC.  Here's some advice from Hearts On Fire diamonds on how to care for your diamonds and keep them sparkling forever:

Cleaning - It is always best to have a trained professional check and clean your jewelry at least once a year.  In between, clean your jewelry regularly following these guidelines:

  • Be sure to close the drain to prevent loss.
  • Use warm water and mild soap.
  • Use a soft-bristled tootbrush to gently scrub away any grime, especially around prongs where build up is likely.  Even a clean looking diamond will shine better after cleaning.
  • Rinse.
  • Dry your jewelry before storage.  Water can leave residual stains on precious metals.
  • Store your jewelry carefully.
  • Try not to let pieces touch to avoid scratching.
  • Fabric-lined jewelry boxes with separate compartments are ideal.
In order to prolong the beauty of your jewelry, it is always wise to remove your jewelry before:
  • Playing sports or exercising at the gym.
  • Cleaning the house or using harsh chemicals.
  • Putting on lotion, perfume, hairspray, shaving cream or other beauty products - they can contain chemicals that can damage your jewelry.
  • Doing laundry.
  • Swimming in the pool - the chlorine in pools and spas can react with metals causing discoloration and even structural damage.
  • Bathing - remove all jewelry before showering.  Soap can leave a film, causing jewelry to appear dull and dingy.
  • Gardening.
Take this advice from the pros and your diamond jewelry will sparkle and shine!

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