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More Anglo-Saxon Warriors

So far I've only posted pictures of maybe 10% of my Anglo-Saxon stuff, in part because I have a lot other commission projects I want to post first.
Some of you may have already seen these pics on Facebook, but I know not everyone who checks out my blog is into FB.
The miniatures are 28mm from Gripping Beast and Blacktree Designs. The fourth figure from the left has had a mustache added with green-stuff. The two figures on left front have LBMS shield decals, the other shields are freehand. It's an interesting assortment of warriors, not really your high status blokes (the shade of blue-grey seen on the clubman is not the same as high status blue worn by the very wealthy : https://au.pinterest.com/jacksarge777/dark-age-re-enactmentliving-history/). They have a variety of weapons - spears, slings, seax, and even a rustic club.

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