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12 Days of Christmas... Day 9


Hey all, here I am again with another Christmas inspired mani. As soon as I saw the word Glitter, one polish came straight to mind. Now I'm not a lover of loose glitter, but do use it. However I have only a few glitter polishes, and the one I've used today I absolutely love!
Dorothy by Nail Pop is an awesome packed red glitter polish, but to get its full effect I find painting my nails red first really helps. So I painted 1 coat of Nails Inc Kate Spade in Big Apple Red and then 2 coats of the Nail Pop Dorothy.

It seems to dry with a matte look, and when you add topcoat, the glitter polish really does come into it own.
Now as much as I love this polish on its own, I wanted to mix the mani up a bit. So with Revlon in Powder Puff and Suhada Clear (this was a cheapy clear polish thats awesome for marbling and I can longer find) I did a swirl marble. The reason for using the clear was so the red glitter would show through. Powder Puff is a sheer shimmery white polish, and perfect just to show a hint of the marbled design over the glitter.

I love this mani so much, I hope you do too :) 
I'm so enjoying this challenge, and what others come up with, take a look yourself below.
Till the next one.. stay safe and much love..

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