This is a really nice picture of Kathy taken for a local newspaper article So how did Kathy get to this point?? We're going to go back to the very earliest part of her career!
She was a contestant for the Rose Bowl queen. So she was doing lots of beauty stuff early on. This is from 1966. I had to include the Gemini capsule part.........So cool...
Was Kathy a cheerleader, you ask?!?! Yes, yes she was. Let's check it out~~
At Oregon State, she was a member of the Rally Girls. She is at the bottom in this pic.
Hmmm, I seem to detect a pattern here. Kathy seemed to be a favorite in teh local paper, The Oregonian, in those days. I have that Oregon State Beaver spirit bigly now!!

Kathy on the left with the OSU beaver on the right. Okay, okay, this is where I'm VERY tempted to insert a totally inappropriate beaver innuendo. No! Bad blogger, very, very bad!!
And the local paper, The Oregonian, was very proud of her as you can see here where they did a big article about her early career This is from 1970 and it states that she did some television commercials. Man, I'd love to find those (I've looked with no luck.)
If you read the article she comments about a then recent Colgate shampoo commercial "I get pretty wet." Like I said, I've got to find those commercials!! (2)
And you'll notice that the main pic of her is the same as the very first pic of this post. Hmmmm.
Naturally we know her best from all the groovy catalog appearances that she made, where that million dollar smile of hers was always on display!
This seems to have been part of something else?!?Ah yes, that's better! Nice hat!
She did some modeling in Europe also.
Like here for Vestro Catalog from Italy! (1)
I'm seeing Kathy doubles! She and Shelley appear to be getting squished by a giant hand!!
Oh, it's Kathy again! So she's smashing herself - twice?!? Oh well, best to not analyze this too closely! (3) And on that note it's probably best to wrap this post up!
Once again I'd like to thank all my loyal readers. I have a feeling that it's going to be a fantastic year 6 here at the Kathy Loghry Blogspot!!
(1) This pic is courtesy of AL from Italy. Thanks!!
(2) You might take time to read this article. In it Kathy states that she was modeling mostly for ages 16 - 18 and that she wasn't sure how long see could so "the young" thing. Well, she pulled it off for quite a long career!!
(3) These two pics are courtesy of Blue Senshi! Thanks!!
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