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Hi Allison Dunbar

Supreme headcase Ron Perlman left his wife of 38 years for Allison Dunbar and I can't say I blame him at all. Here's her Instagram if you want to see it. And you do, trust me. The source story said she was a "Two Broke Girls" star? I've seen a few minutes of it here and there, mostly while the sound is off, but I guess I need to start watching more of these network sitcoms. Even if watching them makes me like you. She looks like a porn star (That's a compliment by the way),  and he looks like a slowly deflating Bigfoot lawn ornament someone would put on their lawn on Halloween. I know he's a fruit loop but what the Hell is wrong with her? I will never understand women as long as I live. Maybe she has a weird thing for the Yeti, or dudes with giant heads. Hey wait a minute. I have a giant head if you know what I'm saying. Seriously I have to special order all of my hats.

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