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Castle - Season 6, Episode 8 'A Murder is Forever' [Review + Recap]

Well, if ever you needed an answer for the question 'are diamonds a girls best friend?' then the answer is surely no, according to the latest episode of Castle. The episode centres around the murder of Alice, a high-profile couple's therapist who is seemingly murdered for her client list. But of course, things aren't always so simple and very quickly Beckett and Castle uncover some glittering secrets. In the form of a mysterious diamond. So, sound interesting? Well, read the recap below for more information! So, things kick off in a parking complex with aforementioned women Alice, sitting in her car, dead. 

Beckett and Castle arrive at the scene and discover she is a couple therapist and has some pretty high profile clients, possible motive perhaps? Meanwhile, there is an underlying theme to the episode in the form of Rick's lion (Linus) which gives Kate the creeps, and she would like him to move it out of the bedroom to somewhere where it can't stare at her so unnervingly. Rick objects (naturally) as he is rather fond of the lion. Hmm, wonder who will win this war? Anyway, back to Alice Clark, and the team discover her car and apartment have been ransacked, suggesting someone was looking for something. They interview Alice's boyfriend but he is next to useless, however he does bring to light the idea that she had a disgruntled client. Meanwhile, the boys in blue, Ryan and Espo manage to uncover who ransacked the apartment and it turns out to be Barrett Hawk. Just as they catch him, he destroys pretty much all the evidence that connected him to Alice using a handy shredder in the back of his car - how convenient. 

Back at base, Alice's assistant has uncovered that only one file is missing, is it relating to a couple called 'The Spencers,' but this leads no where, until they see Mr. Spencer and he reveals that he let Alice use one of his hotel rooms for a couple of days, and low and behold, in the room, Castle and Beckett discover a safe, and inside the safe - a whopping great diamond. No, it's literally huge. Ryan and Espo get it valued initially at $60 million. The diamond specialist who they have taken it to says that he will conduct further tests but he has no idea where it came from. On the ride back to base, Ryan and Espo are suddenly attacked by armed gunmen who fire several shots, but eventually get back into their car and ride off, having failed to acquire the diamond. Phew. Back at base, good ol' Captain Gates sends the boys out to track down their attackers, whilst Kate and Castle debates theories over the diamond. 

Whilst Rick comes up with an elaborate (as usual) but not entirely implausible theory, Kate discovers that one of Alice's clients owned the diamond. So close Rick! Whilst the Warners (suspected diamond owners) deny all knowledge of the diamond, apparently Hawk(eye) was seen as their place. Kate goes back in for round 2 with Hawk, and he goes off the record and states that they hired him to get the diamond back, but he didn't kill anyone and he wasn't involved in the shoot out. He also says the Warner's were mugged and a hit and run leads Ryan and Espo to get a print off the car that hit the suspected mugger. It is revealed to be Alice's boyfriend who is some sort of anti-diamond cartel missionary who is hoping to bring an end to the bloodshed caused by diamond cartels. He says that himself and Alice were working together. 

So, back to the Warner's. It is revealed that the diamond is flawless and man-made, which would put an end to the diamond cartel's as people could produce their own. It is revealed that Steve Warner created a technology that could do this, by he sold it to the cartel's initially, but then when he tried to make a gift for his wife, he realised that he could make flawless stones. He chose to keep this from the cartel's, but insists that he didn't kill Alice. It turns out that Mrs. Warner is the guilty one, and she crumbles like a cookie. 

Back at Chateau du Castle, Rick has replaced Linus with a mounted display of seashells that himself and Kate collected on their first walk on the beach in the Hamptons. Kate is thoroughly pleased and the episode ends. Overall, the episode contained lots of fun little references which fans will now doubt enjoy, and the plot progressed nicely at a steady pace. The quirky theme of diamonds and the namesake James Bond movie were well received. Next week's episode is entitled 'Disciple' and looks to be a good one! Watch the promo below: 

Recap and review by Mel. 

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